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Become a Mosqoy Member Today

Help empower Indigenous Quechua communities to realize their dreams in the context of our globalizing world

Monthly giving helps Mosqoy foster a stable, consistent source of funding which allows the organization to increase its operational efficiencies, plan for long-term growth and successfully deliver its mission. It means we can continue investing in our social enterprises and charitable programs which will ensure that

  • Quechua intergenerational knowledge, textile traditions, and other cultural heritage is revitalized;

  • Quechua youth have an equal opportunity to receive education and become leaders of the future; and, 

  • the connections in our increasingly connected world manifest as positive and fair.


When you become a member, your membership will safely and securely be automatically withdrawn from your bank account each month. As part of our commitment to our values, Mosqoy offers one membership package for all monthly giving amounts, so you can give according to what's comfortable with your budget.

Become a Mosqoy Member Today

Membership Benefits

  • Welcome package, including a small traditional Andean gift


  • Invitation to attend our AGM


  • 10% discount to all entrance fees to Mosqoy events and galas


  • 10% discount for Mosqoy Field School’s tours 


  • Quarterly newsletter


  • Updates and invitations to all of our events


How It Works 

  • No-hassle single one-time set-up


  • Automatic withdrawals


  • Safe, secure, and confidential financial information

  •  Tax-deductible receipts


  • Small but consistent monthly donations, reducing strain on your budget


  • No contract: your monthly donation can be stopped at any time you feel fit. Just contact us.


1004 North Park

Victoria, BC

V8T 1C6

Jirón Pumaccahua 202
(Entre Recoleta y Retiro)
Urb. Tahuantinsuyo

Cusco, Perú

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Our main website photo, at the top of this page, was taken by Ashli Akins. 

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